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What is MES system?has your factory adopted Management Execution System?

A manufacturing execution system, or MES, is a comprehensive, dynamic software system that monitors, tracks, documents, and controls the process of manufacturing goods from raw materials to finished products. Providing a functional layer between enterprise resource planning (ERP) and process control systems, an MES gives decision-makers the data they need to make the plant floor more efficient and optimize production.


No matter the size of a manufacturing operation, an MES can contribute to overall productivity and profitability by making the manufacturing process information driven. Regulated industries such as pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, medical devices, aeronautics and aerospace, defense, and biotechnology particularly benefit – because regulated companies must adhere to strict regulations to ensure traceability compliance. They must make sure that appropriate procedures are in place for building compliant products, that these procedures are documented, and that the resulting products can be easily recalled if necessary.


An MES is essential to drive optimal performance in today’s competitive and rapidly changing manufacturing environment.


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